John 15:19--If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Like Superman we gain strength from a source of light... not the sun, but the Son of God. However, the application the song focuses on is not our strength as Christians but our limits and how we should handle them.
Imagine the weight of responsibility that would come with the cape. How heavy would the emotional weight of that symbolic "S" be? Many of us find ourselves in positions of responsibility. As parents, as siblings, as ministers... in all of these roles we find ourselves carrying upon our shoulders the weight of another person's world at times. That weight can be overwhelming and can give way to fear. How many times have you been afraid that you simply won't be strong enough? In the song, we find superman taking those fears and handing them to the only hero who is truly without limits. Jesus Christ. No amount of heroics can save a soul, only Christ could accomplish that. Our message to you is this. If you hold yourself solely responsible for the lives of others you set yourself up for failure. The best way to protect your loved ones is to place them in God's hands. A you read this many of you are juggling the same fears and stresses that I have described... you have shed tears of worry over whether you can afford to pay this months bills or to even feed your family. You have laid awake at night shredding your nerves over the fear that you haven't done enough, worked enough, studied enough and that because of that you have let someone down. Here is the Good News. 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that His strength is made perfect in our weakness and that His grace is sufficient for us. You don't have to be strong because He is. You don't have to be super. You are already being a hero to your family and friends just by living a godly example in front of them.
So, weary brother or sister. Lay your burden down. You don't have to save the world or carry it.
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