Cross Covenant is heading back into the studio on March 10th to begin recording our next cd entitled "Learning To Fight". Because of this we will need your prayers and your support. There are a few ways that you can help us bring this new project to completion. First and foremost, add our ministry to your daily prayer list. Nothing will further our efforts more than fervent prayer. Second help spread the word about the band at church, work, school, on facebook etc... If your church needs a band for an event give us a call or send us an email, we would love to be a part of your various ministries. Lastly we greatly benefit from all of our faithful supporters who have purchased our shirts, hoodies, water bottles and cd's. The money from that merchandise pays for our time in the studio and we appreciate it more than you know! The new album is shaping up to be an awesome project that we are very excited about. At the moment we are looking at roughly 13 new songs. The new songs will cover a broader range than our previous cd containing much heavier hard rock and even softer ballads, as well as some experimental stuff that we believe will blow you away! The new tracks are challenging and encouraging songs about the Christian life that we truly hope everyone can identify with. None of this will be possible without all of you. Pray. If the Holy Spirit leads you, support us by donation or by purchasing some Cross Covenant gear. Thank you, from the depths of our hearts.