Times are hard without a doubt. We all face so many trials everyday, and it is very easy to get caught up in our own little world of anxieties and fears. The best thing for that is prayer. Sometimes though, if you are like me, you don't always know what to pray or even how to begin. The point of this band is of course to make Christian music, at least on the surface. Deeper than that though, our purpose is to reach out as ambassadors for Christ to the world who needs Him desperately. The music is one way to do it but prayer is another. We want to be here for you, who ever you are, to encourage you and lift you up to the Father. If you are in need of prayer for anything please allow us to be a blessing and encouragement to you. Let us pray for you and help you carry your burden in whatever way we can. Your prayer requests can be sent directly to us at
crosscovenantband@gmail.com. We will check them and pray for each need specifically before each and every rehearsal. Thank you for all the prayers you lift up for us. Please allow us to return the favor. - Josh